How to Create a Virtual Book Club: A Guide to Successful Conversations

selling your vintage artbooks online-vintage book lovers

Hello Vintage Peeps! Just about everyone knows what a book club is. But have you heard of a virtual book club? Well, I’ve got some exciting news for you. With technology constantly changing how we communicate, virtual book clubs have become all the rage for people like you and me who can’t get enough of the written word.

Virtual book clubs are fantastic because:

  • No geographic barriers: Imagine chatting about your latest vintage book find with someone from a different country! Virtual book clubs allow us to connect with fellow book lovers from all over the world. You’ll get to hear unique perspectives and learn about some rare gems you’ve never come across before.
  • Flexible schedules: We all have busy lives, but virtual book clubs make it easy for everyone to join in, no matter their schedule. You can join from the comfort of your home or even while traveling without having to worry about finding a physical location to meet.
  • Endless possibilities: Virtual book clubs are so versatile that you can find one that focuses on your favorite vintage books or even start your own. You can discuss your favorite authors, time periods, and even bookbinding techniques with people who share your passion.

How about giving a virtual book club a try? Not only will you have a great time discussing your favorite vintage books, but you’ll also make new friends and broaden your horizons in the world of literature. Trust me; it’s a game-changer!

Themed Fun Virtual Book Club Ideas: Vintage Edition

But how to start a virtual book club? The first step in your journey is choosing an overall theme for your virtual book club. It’s an easy step that will guide the next decisions you have to make. Think of it as a description of “who we are” as a book club. Don’t worry; I will cover each step in starting a virtual book club and give you links for more information as we go. So keep reading!

Picking a theme for virtual book clubs can be fun, mainly when we’re focusing on vintage books! This theme will guide you in the books you read, activity choices, and the direction of your virtual book club. So here are some fun theme ideas and an example of a vintage book within that theme to get you started.

Fun Theme Ideas

  • Contemporary Fiction: Explore works that have stood the test of time, like Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1960). This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel follows the story of a young girl, Scout Finch, as she learns about racial inequality and social injustice in her small Southern town. To Kill a Mockingbird is a timeless classic that offers valuable insights into human nature.
  • Classic Literature: Delve into the world of Jane Austen with “Pride and Prejudice” (1813). This witty and romantic novel follows Elizabeth Bennet as she navigates the societal expectations of Regency-era England while finding love in the most unexpected places: Pride and Prejudice is a must-read for fans of vintage literature.
  • Mystery Novels: Investigate the thrilling world of detective fiction with Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” (1934). Join the famous detective, Hercule Poirot, as he solves a murder mystery aboard the luxurious Orient Express train. A masterful whodunit that will keep you guessing until the end.
  • Non-fiction Works: Learn about the fascinating life of a pioneering scientist with “The Double Helix” (1968) by James D. Watson. This memoir recounts the race to discover the structure of DNA, one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century. A captivating read for those interested in history and science.

With these theme ideas and vintage book recommendations, we can start our virtual book club journey on the right foot. Let’s connect with fellow vintage book enthusiasts and share our love for these literary treasures!

Choosing the Best Platform for Your Virtual Book Club

So we have chosen an overall theme for our book club. What is our next step in starting a virtual book club? The platform we use to connect. Let’s tackle selecting the best platform for your virtual book club and bookish gatherings.

Of course, we want to make sure everyone has a smooth and enjoyable experience, so here are some factors to consider:

virtual book club person reading a book in a sunny room-vintage book lovers
  • Ease of use: We don’t want our fellow vintage book lovers to struggle with complicated software. Look for a user-friendly platform so everyone can focus on the books instead of technical issues.
  • Accessibility: Make sure the platform works well on different devices, like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This way, everyone can join in, no matter their preferred device.
  • Communication features: A good platform should offer features like video, audio, chat, and screen sharing. This will make our discussions more engaging and interactive.

Overview of The Best Platforms for Your Virtual Book Club:

  1. Zoom: It’s widely used and easy to set up. With its breakout rooms feature, we can split into smaller groups for more intimate discussions.
  2. Google Meet: You’re good to go if you have a Google account. It’s simple and works great for small to medium-sized groups.
  3. Microsoft Teams: This could be a great option if most of our book club members can access Microsoft 365. It’s secure and has tons of features for collaboration. This platform would work well for a work virtual book club.
  4. Discord: A bit more casual and perfect for larger groups, Discord allows us to create dedicated channels for different topics, like book recommendations or author discussions.

There are more platforms you could use; I have just listed the most popular. Do more research to ensure the platform is a good fit for your virtual book club needs. Let’s get your virtual book club up and running! You will soon be bonding over favorite vintage books with fellow bibliophiles from all over the world.

Best Platform for Your Virtual Book Club: A Closer Look

Let’s take a more in-depth look at some popular platforms for virtual book clubs. To choose the best platform for your virtual book club, explore their ease of use and pros and cons.


Ease of use: easy for non-tech-savvy users.

Positive: It offers breakout rooms for smaller discussions and is widely recognized, so most people are already familiar with it.

Negative: The free version has a 40-minute limit on group meetings, which might need more time for a thorough book discussion.

Google Meet

Ease of use: Very easy, especially for those with a Google account.

It works well with other Google services like Calendar and Docs, which makes it easy to schedule meetings and share documents.

Negative: Requires a Google account to host, which might only suit some.

Microsoft Teams

Ease of use: Moderate – a bit more complex than Zoom or Google Meet, but still manageable.

Positive: Offers a wide range of collaboration features and works well with other Microsoft products.

Negative: Best suited for organizations using Microsoft 365, which might not be the case for casual book club members.


Ease of use: Moderate – might require some initial learning, but becomes straightforward once you understand the basics.

Positive: It lets you make channels for different topics, which makes it easy to set up discussions.

Negative: Originally designed for gamers, some features might be less relevant to a book club setting.

Take your time to explore these platforms and consider their ease of use and pros and cons before deciding which one best fits your virtual book club’s needs. Remember, the goal is to make the experience enjoyable and accessible for all members, regardless of their technical expertise.

Tips for Overcoming Technical Difficulties in Virtual Book Clubs

Now that you have chosen your platform, it’s time to become a master of the technology. Virtual book club meetings can have technical problems like any other virtual experience. Here are some tips to help prevent and address potential issues:

Conduct a Test Run

Doing a test run is essential before diving into your first virtual book club meeting. This helps you get comfortable with the platform, learn its features, and troubleshoot any issues. By doing so, you’ll ensure a smooth experience for all members.

Here are 5 helpful tips follow:

virtual book club  library books, vintage book lovers
  1. Familiarize Yourself with Features: Explore the platform’s features, such as screen sharing, chat, and breakout rooms. Knowing how to use these tools will help you lead engaging discussions and activities.
  2. Invite a Few Friends: Ask a few to join you in a mock book club meeting. This will help you practice managing the virtual space and better understand how the actual meetings will go.
  3. Test Your Equipment: Make sure your microphone, camera, and internet connection are all working correctly. Encourage your friends to do the same so you can all enjoy clear communication during the meeting.
  4. Develop a Meeting Agenda: Outline the structure of your book club meeting, including introductions, book discussions, and any interactive activities. This will help you stay on track and cover all the necessary topics.
  5. Troubleshoot Any Issues: Use the test run to identify and resolve technical problems or challenges. If you encounter issues, search for solutions online or consult the platform’s support resources.

By conducting a test run, you’ll build your confidence and expertise with the chosen platform. This will help you ensure that everyone in your virtual book club feels welcome, interested, and has a good time.

Provide Clear Instructions for Members

Give your virtual book club members clear instructions on how to use the platform, join the meeting, and use any other features they might need. Consider creating a step-by-step guide or video tutorial to assist members who need to be more tech-savvy.

Designate a Tech Support Person

Appoint a tech-savvy member to serve as the designated tech support person during virtual book club meetings. This person can help solve technical problems, so the rest of the group can stay focused on the conversation.

Have a Backup Plan

If technical difficulties persist, it’s helpful to have a backup plan in place. This could involve switching to an alternative platform or rescheduling the meeting if necessary.

Using these tips in your virtual book club ensures everyone has a smooth and enjoyable time.

Recruiting Members for Your Virtual Book Club: Finding Your Literary Crew

virtual book club books plus friendship equals love Ideas for A Virtual Book Club-vintage book lovers

Now that you have chosen your theme and the best platform for your virtual book club, it’s time to find fellow book lovers to join your literary adventure.

Here are some tips on how to recruit members:

Make your vintage book club a hit with the right number of members! Learn the pros and cons of different club sizes in our latest article: Book Club Size: The Perfect Number for Success. This article will guide you through determining the ideal number of members for your vintage book club.

A Note on Online Safety

When connecting with people online to start your virtual book club, it’s essential to prioritize your safety. So here are some basic online safety tips for your virtual book club:

  • Be cautious with personal information: Keep your full name, address, phone number, and other sensitive information private.
  • Verify members: Before inviting someone to join, take some time to ensure they’re genuinely interested in the club’s theme and have a shared passion for vintage books.
  • Use a secure platform: Choose a platform with privacy features to protect your meetings and discussions.
  • Establish guidelines: Set clear rules for the group to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all members.

Ensure online safety is a top priority and featured in your virtual book club rules. We will be chatting about creating rules and guidelines in this article, don’t worry.

Talk to your members safely, and enjoy the excellent literary discussions that will happen naturally. Embrace the power of technology to connect with fellow book lovers and embark on this exciting literary adventure together!

Promoting Your Virtual Book Club with Canva

To spread the word about your virtual book club, eye-catching visuals can make all the difference. Canva is a fantastic resource for creating stunning promotional materials with minimal effort. I have used Canva for all the visuals in the article. If I can use this resource, so can you!

Here’s how Canva can help you advertise your book club:

  • Free and easy to use: Canva offers a user-friendly interface. You don’t need any graphic design experience to create professional-looking graphics. Bonus, they have a free version!
  • Wide variety of templates: Canva has an extensive library of customizable templates for social media posts, posters, and more. You can find designs tailored to book clubs or create something entirely unique to match your vintage theme.
  • Customizable designs: Change colors, fonts, and images to match your book club’s style. You can even upload pictures or choose from Canva’s vast library of stock photos.
  • Shareable on multiple platforms: Once you’ve created your design, you can download it in various formats, making it easy to share on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or even print it out for local bulletin boards.

With these tips on choosing a theme, recruiting members, and promoting your virtual book club using platforms like Canva, you’re well on your way to building a thriving community of like-minded vintage book enthusiasts. 

Setting a Schedule for Your Virtual Book Club Meetings: Consistency is Key

Virtual Book Club quote plant sunny room-vintage book lovers

So, in the steps of “how to start a virtual book club,” we are moving along. But now we need to figure out a schedule for our meetings. Regular meeting times are essential to keep everyone engaged and make our book club feel like a genuine community. So, here’s how we can create a schedule that works for everyone:

  • Consider time zones: Remember that our members may be from different parts of the world. So, finding a meeting time that accommodates as many people as possible is essential.
  • Set a consistent date: Establishing a specific day, like the first Tuesday of every month or every other Tuesday, will help our members develop a good book club habit. Consistency makes it easier for everyone to plan and remember our meetings.
  • Communicate with members: Discuss the schedule with our group and gather feedback on the best times for everyone. We want to ensure that our meetings are convenient for most members so that everyone can participate in the discussions.
  • Plan ahead: Once we’ve decided on a schedule, share it with the group well in advance. This will give our members enough time to read the book, gather their thoughts, and prepare for engaging discussions.

By making a consistent and easy-to-follow schedule, we’ll give our vintage-book-loving members a sense of community and ensure that our virtual book club stays fun and interesting for everyone. 

Establishing Virtual Book Club Rules

Creating a successful virtual book club involves setting up clear rules and guidelines from the get-go. Your virtual book club rules are a guideline for your club. These rules help your meetings thrive and ensure everyone is on the same page. Whether your group has a website or social media page or utilizes Discord, having the rules accessible online is a great idea.

 Schedule for Your Virtual Book Club Meetings-vintage book lovers
  1. Respectful communication: Encourage members to respectfully express their thoughts and opinions, avoiding derogatory or offensive language.
  2. Timely participation: Ask members to read the selected book and come prepared for discussions by a set deadline, ensuring everyone is on the same page during meetings.
  3. Active engagement: Encourage members to actively participate in discussions by sharing their thoughts, asking questions, and responding to others’ comments.
  4. Confidentiality: Maintain a safe space by keeping personal information and opinions shared within the group confidential unless given explicit permission to share them elsewhere.
  5. Everyone is Welcome: Embrace various perspectives and reading materials, ensuring that all members feel welcomed and their voices are valued within the group.

To keep things organized and welcoming, consider emailing the rules to newcomers as they join. This approach ensures everyone understands the expectations and can contribute positively to the group discussions. By laying the foundation early on, your virtual book club will be an enjoyable and engaging experience for all members who share a love for vintage books.

Creating an Agenda for Virtual Book Club Meetings: Structured and Engaging Discussions

You must have a well-organized agenda for your virtual book club meetings to go smoothly, be productive, and be fun for everyone. A structured plan makes stimulating conversations about the vintage books you love easier. 

Here’s how you can create a practical agenda for your meetings:

  • Introductions: Allocate some time at the beginning of each meeting for members to introduce themselves, especially if you have new participants. This helps create a welcoming atmosphere and encourages everyone to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  • Discussion questions: Prepare a list of thought-provoking questions about the book beforehand. You can find printable, downloadable book club agendas from Reading Vintage, which often include discussion questions to get the conversation started.
  • Assign tasks to members: Encourage active participation by assigning tasks like keeping the conversation flowing, asking questions, or coming up with icebreakers. Rotating these roles among members keeps everyone involved and ensures no one feels left out.
  • Concluding vote: At the end of the meeting, hold a vote on the next book to be read. This gives everyone a chance to have a say in the club’s direction and maintains excitement for future discussions.

Selecting Engaging Books for Your Virtual Book Club

virtual book club

Choosing books for your virtual book club that spark fascinating discussions is essential. Here are some tips for making a reading list that is varied and interesting:

  • Consider a mix of genres: Incorporate various genres to maintain interest. For example, you could read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (mystery), In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (true crime), and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (science fiction).
  • Explore different styles and authors: Introduce your members to unique perspectives by selecting books from various authors and writing styles. You could include To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (stream of consciousness), The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (coming-of-age), and As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner (Southern Gothic).
  • Focus on thought-provoking themes: Choose books with intriguing themes or compelling questions. 1984 by George Orwell explores the dangers of totalitarianism, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath delves into mental health, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee examines racial injustice.
  • Ask for recommendations: Encourage members to suggest fascinating vintage books. For instance, one member might recommend Catch-22 by Joseph Heller for its satirical take on war, while another might propose East of Eden by John Steinbeck to explore human nature.

By compiling a list of intriguing and varied books by old authors, your virtual book club will spark lively discussions and give its members a rich literary experience.

Encouraging Active Participation in Your Virtual Book Club

Promoting active participation in your virtual book club is the key to giving everyone a fun and enjoyable time. Sound planning and using virtual book club rules ensures everyone feels welcome, included, and encouraged to share their thoughts:

  1. Assign discussion leaders: Choose a different member to lead the conversation for each meeting. This will help everyone feel involved and encourage diverse perspectives.
  2. Create an open and safe environment: Make it clear that your book club is a respectful space where everyone’s opinions are valued. Encourage members to listen attentively and respond thoughtfully.
  3. Pose open-ended questions: Ask questions that invite members to share their interpretations, feelings, and ideas about the book. This can help stimulate conversation and ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
  4. Encourage quieter members: Gently invite less vocal members to share their thoughts by asking for their opinions or pointing out specific passages that might resonate with them.
  5. Establish ground rules: Refer to your club’s rules for discussions. These should include treating each other kindly, avoiding interrupting, and being open to differing opinions. This will help create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable participating.

By making your virtual book club a place where everyone is welcome and treated with respect, members will be more likely to take part, leading to deeper and more enjoyable conversations about the old books you love.

Utilizing Breakout Rooms for More Intimate Discussions

Having meaningful conversations with everyone can be challenging if your virtual book club has grown large. That’s where “breakout rooms” come in handy. These rooms allow you to split members into smaller groups for more focused and personal discussions.

Breakout rooms are a feature available on platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. They let the meeting host divide participants into separate virtual spaces where they can engage in smaller, more intimate conversations. Here’s how breakout rooms work:

  • Creating breakout rooms: The meeting host can create a specific number of breakout rooms by assigning members manually or by allowing the platform to do it automatically.
  • Setting a time limit: To keep discussions on track, the host can set a time limit for each breakout room session. Once the time is up, participants will be returned to the main meeting.
  • Joining and leaving rooms: Participants can quickly move between breakout rooms, depending on the settings chosen by the host. This allows for dynamic discussions and opportunities to engage with different members.
  • Reconvening as a group: After the breakout room sessions, everyone can come back together in the central meeting to share highlights and insights from their small-group discussions.

For instance, let’s say you’re running a virtual book club and talking about a classic mystery book. You could use breakout rooms to divide participants into groups based on their favorite characters or theories about the book’s ending. This would allow for more in-depth conversations and help everyone feel more engaged.

By using breakout rooms in your virtual book club, you can make it a more intimate and engaging place for people to connect and talk about how much they love old books.

Utilizing Social Media to Connect Your Virtual Book Club Members

Social media is a fantastic way to connect your virtual book club members, engage them in conversation, and grow your group. Here are some popular social media platforms and how you can use them to benefit your book club:


  • Create a private group where members can discuss books, share articles, and post photos.
  • Advantages: Easy to set up, familiar platform for many, robust group features.
  • Disadvantages: Privacy concerns, only some people use Facebook, which may be overwhelming with ads and unrelated content.


  • Share photos of books, create polls, and use hashtags to engage with members and attract new ones.
  • Advantages: Visually appealing, easy to reach a wider audience, interactive features.
  • Disadvantages: Limited to image-based content, algorithm-driven feed may affect visibility.


  • Start conversations with book-related hashtags, organize Twitter chats, and share book quotes and recommendations.
  • Advantages: Fast-paced, broad reach, easy to connect with authors and other book lovers.
  • Disadvantages: Character limits, content can get lost in the feed, and may require more frequent posting.

Goodreads Bookclub Groups:

  • Create a virtual book club group, track book progress, and engage in discussions with members.
  • Advantages: Focused on books and reading, easy to track progress and share reviews, connect with other book lovers.
  • Disadvantages: Less mainstream, fewer social features compared to other platforms.


  • Set up a server with dedicated channels for book discussions, off-topic chats, and announcements.
  • Advantages: Real-time chat, voice, and video options, customizable channels, easy to manage.
  • Disadvantages: It may be unfamiliar to some, requires an invitation to join, and is less discoverable.

Using each platform’s unique features, you can make a lively and exciting virtual book club that keeps members connected and excited to read and talk about old books together.

Creating a Virtual Book Club Website or Blog

Some larger virtual book clubs have actual websites to promote their book club. You might reach that size; it’s a lofty goal. Creating a virtual book club website or blog is a great way to centralize information and resources for your members. This is something to contemplate when your virtual book club is well established. Here are five platforms to consider for building your site, along with their advantages and disadvantages:


WordPress is a robust platform that can be changed in many ways. It has many plugins and a strong community of people who can help you. However, it can be overwhelming for new users and might require paid add-ons to access certain features. You are reading this article on a WordPress site.


Blogger provides a simple interface and seamless integration with Google services, making it easy to use and free. However, it has limited customization options and lacks some features found on other platforms.


Wix has a drag-and-drop builder that is easy to use and has attractive templates. Basic features are free. On the other hand, advanced features require a paid plan, and it can be hard to change templates after they have been published.


Squarespace is known for its stunning templates, user-friendly interface, and e-commerce capabilities. However, it lacks a free plan, offers limited third-party integrations, and can be more expensive than other options.


Weebly is an accessible platform for beginners, offering a straightforward drag-and-drop editor and a free basic plan. However, it has limited customization options and fewer features than other platforms, and its paid plans can be pricey.

Take some time to explore each platform to determine which one best suits your virtual book club’s needs. Making a website or blog for your love of vintage books allows you to easily share information, start discussions, and build a strong community.

Evaluating and Adapting Your Virtual Book Club to Meet Member Needs

virtual book club join a book club-vintage book lovers

To ensure your virtual book club stays fun and inspiring for everyone, it’s essential to determine how well it works and make changes based on what your members want. Here are some ways to maintain open communication and gather feedback:

1. Open Communication

  • What it is: Encourage members to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns openly during meetings or in group chats.
  • Example: Hold regular “check-in” sessions where members can express their opinions about the book club’s activities and direction.

2. Questionnaires

  • What it is: Create surveys or questionnaires to gather feedback from members about specific aspects of the book club.
  • Example: Develop a short, anonymous Google Forms survey asking members to rate their satisfaction with the book selection process, meeting format, and social media activities.

3. Private Messaging

  • What it is: Offer members a way to privately contact the club’s administrators to discuss concerns or issues.
  • Example: Set up a designated email address or direct message system on your book club’s website or social media platform, where members can contact you confidentially.

By encouraging open communication, using questionnaires, and allowing members to send private messages, you can easily evaluate and change your virtual book club to meet your members’ needs and preferences and ensure everyone has a good time.

Crafting a Memorable Virtual Book Club Experience

Heminway quote virtual book club-vintage book lovers

Virtual book clubs have changed how people who like reading and discussing books can meet, chat, and grow together, regardless of where they live.

By carefully considering things like the platform, the reading lists, the activities, and the technical solutions, you can give each member a rich, memorable experience.

Here’s a recap of the key takeaways for crafting a successful online book club:

  1. Select engaging books: Curate a diverse reading list that sparks captivating conversations.
  2. Foster active participation: Encourage members to share their thoughts and establish an inclusive environment.
  3. Utilize breakout rooms: Facilitate more intimate discussions in smaller groups.
  4. Incorporate interactive elements: Keep members engaged with polls, quizzes, and themed meetings.
  5. Establish a virtual presence: Create a website or blog and leverage social media to connect and grow your community.
  6. Evaluate and adapt: Gather feedback and adjust your book club to meet members’ needs.

I hope this guide answers your question: how to start a virtual book club. By reading this guide, you are on your way to starting a successful virtual book club. These steps ensure everyone who joins has a rewarding and unforgettable experience. So, grab your favorite vintage book, gather some fellow bookworms, and plunge into virtual book clubs!

Happy reading!

pamof reading vntage

Meet Pam of Reading Vintage, an ardent curator of quality vintage books. Join her journey from hunting hidden gems at estate sales and offering them to you at her online bookstore, Reading Vintage, to offering insightful resources on her blog, Vintage Book Lovers. Explore, learn, and reconnect with timeless literature.

“I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett, ‘The Secret Garden’

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