20 Plus Literary Games: Read, Play, and Repeat!

bookshelves full of books

Imagine a book club meeting where Jane Austen meets modern-day humor in a lively game of “Literary Charades.” The room buzzes with the love of books, laughter, and competition. Welcome to the world of literary games, where reading and gaming collide to elevate your book club gatherings or solitary reading time into unforgettable experiences.

Literary games, a delightful fusion of intellect and fun, have spiced up book clubs since their inception in 1995. Whether you’re hosting a book-themed party or seeking a playful twist for your monthly book club, these games offer a unique blend of joy and intellectual engagement.

So, let’s embark on this captivating journey. From trivia challenges to creative role-playing, we’ll explore games that will make your first book club the talk of the literary world. Turn the page and let the games begin!

Games About Books: A New Chapter in Book Club Entertainment

The room is set, the books are open, and the coffee is brewed. But tonight, there’s a twist. As the host reads out a trivia question about Charles Dickens, you can feel the excitement in the room. Trivia games like these add a layer of fun to the book club. With the challenge of rapid fire questions, the classics you’ve read come alive in a new way.

The Classics: Trivia and Quizzes

The question is simple: “Who wrote, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’?” You know the answer, and so does everyone else. It’s a moment of collective wisdom, a tribute to the time spent reading and discussing great literature and poetry during school years.

Trivia games not only test your knowledge but also bring a sense of connection to each person in the group.

Modern Twists: Apps and Online Games

The room’s energy subtly shifts as smartphones make their way onto the table. We’re stepping into the digital realm of literary games. Platforms like Kahoot! offer customizable quizzes tailored to your book club’s current reading list, allowing you to challenge your friends with questions about plot points, characters, and literary themes. Another option is JeopardyLabs, where you and the other team can create your own “Jeopardy!” game focused on literature. These digital platforms offer a fresh, contemporary layer to the book club experience, linking you to your local community and a global network of avid readers.

Incorporating digital games into your book club meetings modernizes the experience. It opens doors to a larger, even international, community of book enthusiasts. So, why not add a digital element to your next gathering? It’s a contemporary twist that’s sure to engage and delight.

Book Club Games: A Fresh Take Literary Games

The room is comfortable and inviting, filled with the familiar scent of coffee and the quiet chatter of book club members. Tonight, there’s a new element in the mix. The host sets down a stack of index cards on the table, each featuring a quote from “The Great Gatsby.” It’s clear that this meeting will offer more than just discussion; it’s an opportunity for interaction and a different way to engage with a classic text.

Icebreakers for New Book Club Members

The book clubs host picks up an index card and reads a quote aloud. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Who can identify the speaker? Hands shoot up, and a new book club member hesitantly offers the correct answer: Nick Carraway.

The room erupts in applause; just like that, the newcomer feels part of this tight-knit community. Icebreakers like these serve as the perfect gateway for new members, allowing them to step into the spotlight and share their literary insights. It’s a warm embrace, a welcoming nod that says, “You belong here.”

1. Who is Your Favorite Author, and Why?

This question allows members to share a bit about their reading preferences, offering insights into their literary tastes.

2. What’s the Last Book You Read?

A simple yet revealing question that can spark conversations about different genres and themes

3. If You Could Be Any Character from a Book, Who Would You Be?

This question invites imagination and allows members to share their affinity for certain characters.

4. What Book Are You Most Looking Forward to Reading This Year?

This can lead to discussions about upcoming releases or classics that members have been meaning to read.

5. What Drew You to Join This Book Club?

It’s a wonderful way for new book club members to share tips on what they’re hoping to get out of the club and for seasoned members to reflect on what keeps them coming back.

These icebreaker questions are more than just conversation starters; they’re a way to build a sense of community and share ideas and interests. So pick up an index card, and let the ice-breaking begin!

Deep Dive: Analytical Games

The book club leader hands out a new set of index cards, this time featuring questions about “The Great Gatsby.” One card asks about the symbolism of the green light. The room goes quiet as members think, and then the discussion picks up. These analytical questions help guide the conversation into deeper topics, like Fitzgerald’s themes and the era he wrote about.

Adding a fun game to your book club meetings makes them more interactive and engaging. Whether you’re introducing new members or discussing the details of a classic, games offer a fresh way to explore the material. As you prepare for your next meeting, consider how a simple game can enhance the joy of shared reading.

Literary Games to Play with Books


The room is arranged with great care, expecting something special to happen. The books are neatly placed on the side table, while nearby, we can see a bingo board and a jar filled with quotes, ready for use. This isn’t just another book club meeting. It’s an evening that’s been thoughtfully designed to add a new layer of interaction to our love for literature.

Various games promise to make our gathering more engaging and memorable. These games are just a starting point. Tweek them to fit the members of your group.

Scavenger Hunt

The host hands you a list of clues, each leading to a book hidden in the room. Your eyes scan the list, and you’re off, pulling books from shelves, flipping through pages, and discovering titles you’ve never encountered before. Within minutes, the room is abuzz with the sound of footsteps and excited whispers. The scavenger hunt has transformed the space into a labyrinth of literary wonders, a real-life adventure that mirrors the escapades you find in the pages of a good book.

Book Bingo

Now, the bingo board takes center stage. Each square contains a different reading challenge: “A book published in the 1950s,” “A mystery novel,” “A book with a blue cover.” As you place your markers on the completed challenges, the board becomes a tapestry of your reading journey. Book Bingo isn’t just a game; it’s a roadmap that guides you through genres and eras, enriching your literary palate.

Book-Themed Party Literary Games

Here is where we’ll explore creative and entertaining ways to celebrate literature. Whether it’s a special occasion or just a regular meeting looking for a twist, these games promise to add a dash of fun to your literary gatherings.

Literary Charades

The room erupts in laughter as someone mimics Sherlock Holmes, complete with a makeshift pipe and hat. Literary Charades is more than just a game; it’s a performance, a chance to embody your favorite book characters and bring them to life in a room full of equally passionate book lovers.

Name That Quote

A jar filled with famous quotes is passed around. “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Who doesn’t know that’s Hamlet? But then comes one question, a trickier one, and the room falls silent, pondering. This game sharpens your literary senses and deepens your connection to the words that have shaped our world.

Book Club Party: Literary Games

Beyond the usual discussion of plot twists and character arcs, I’m adding a playful component. Step into the world of interactive and engaging Book Club Party Games.

Discover exciting ways to add excitement to your gatherings while exploring the books you love. Get ready for an unforgettable meeting that will entertain and enlighten you equally.

Book Swap

A pile of wrapped books sits in the middle of the table. One by one, members choose a package, unwrap it, and discover a new short story to dive into. The Book Swap is more than a game; it’s a ritual, a way to share the joy of reading and to expand your literary horizons.

Plot Twist

Members take turns reading out alternative endings to the book of the month. Some are hilarious, some poignant, but all make you see the story in a new light. The game challenges your understanding of the narrative and adds a creative flair to the discussion.

Book Club Meeting: Literary Game Ideas

Ready for something new? This section introduces various games designed to add a dash of fun and a sprinkle of challenge to your book club meetings.

From genre mixing to stepping into an author’s shoes, these activities promise to enrich your discussions and deepen your appreciation for literature. Let’s get the conversation started then!

Genre Jumble

A bowl filled with genre labels sits on the table. Sci-fi,” “Romance,” “Thriller.” Members draw two and try to create a book title that combines them. It’s a hilarious exercise in creativity, and who knows? You might stumble upon your next writing project.

Author’s Chair: Become the Book’s Creator

Here’s the idea: a designated chair at the front of the room becomes the “Author’s Chair.” When you sit there, you take on the book’s author role. Members ask questions about the book you write, and you answer as if you wrote it.

This game adds depth to your discussions, encouraging everyone to think more about the author’s intentions. It’s a fun and insightful way to explore the book from a new angle. So, who’s up for taking the first turn in the Author’s chair?

As you close the last page of your current read, remember that books offer more than just words on a page. They are gateways to endless adventures, discussions, and yes, games. So why not add a playful twist to your next book club meeting? After all, the world of books is a playground just waiting to be explored.

Fun Book Club Literary Games

The room is alive with a unique blend of scholarly intrigue and childlike wonder. A whiteboard stands at the ready, markers uncapped, for a round of Literary Pictionary. Nearby, a bowl of emojis waits to transform classic tales into modern hieroglyphs.

This isn’t just a book club; it’s a fusion of intellect and play, a space where Jane Austen meets charades and Shakespeare takes on emojis. The atmosphere tingles with the thrill of competition, yet the stakes are purely intellectual, promising fun, and a deeper connection to the great books we cherish.

Emoji Summaries

Imagine holding up your phone to display a string of emojis: a crown, a ghost, and a skull. The room buzzes as members try to decode this visual riddle. Ah, someone shouts, “Hamlet!” That’s right; you’ve just summarized Shakespeare’s tragedy using only emojis. This game is not just amusing; it challenges you to distill complex narratives into their most basic elements, all while giving everyone a good laugh.

Two Truths and a Lie: Book Edition

A member stands up and declares, “1) Elizabeth Bennet has four sisters. 2) Mr. Darcy first proposes in the rain. 3) Lady Catherine is Mr. Darcy’s aunt.” Which statement is false? This version of Two Truths and a Lie adds a literary spin to the classic game, testing your attention to detail and your knowledge of the book’s subtleties.

Book Club: Literary Games for Adults

This section is about adding a playful yet thoughtful twist to your adult book club meetings. From quick sketches to clever guesses, these games promise to make your literary gatherings more interactive and engaging. Let’s go!

Literary Pictionary

The whiteboard becomes a canvas as someone attempts to sketch “Moby Dick.” It starts with a boat, then a harpoon, and finally a whale. Literary Pictionary is like the original game but with book-related phrases. It’s a test of your quick thinking and your ability to translate words into pictures, all while racing against the clock.

Book Cover Judging

A book is displayed with its cover facing the group. Can you guess the plot without reading the blurb? This game challenges your preconceptions and showcases how much—or how little—a cover reveals about the story within.

For those who want to take the fun beyond the book club meeting, consider at one point these titles that focus on party games with a literary twist:

We have explored the transition from the creative expression of emojis to the intellectual stimulation of literary trivia. These games offer more than just entertainment; they deepen our engagement with the books we read and the people we share them with. So, as you prepare for your next book club meeting or game night with one of your bookish friends, why not add a game or two? It’s a delightful way to enrich your literary life.

Game Quick Guide: Elevate Your Book Club from Easy to Advanced

Whether you’re new to book club games or looking for a challenge, this table has something for everyone. We’ve organized the games by skill level, starting with the easiest and progressing to the more advanced. Use this as your go-to guide for adding a new dimension of fun and intellectual engagement to your book club meetings.

Game NameMaterials NeededTime RequiredIdeal ForSkill Level
Emoji SummariesSmartphone or printed emojis10-15 minsIcebreakingEasy
Two Truths and a Lie: Book EditionNone10-15 minsIcebreakingEasy
Book SwapWrapped books15-20 minsSharingEasy
Genre JumbleBowl, genre labels15-20 minsCreativityEasy
Literary PictionaryWhiteboard, markers20-30 minsEngagementModerate
Book Cover JudgingAssorted book covers15-20 minsEngagementModerate
Name That QuoteJar, famous quotes20-25 minsEngagementModerate
Plot TwistPaper, pens20-30 minsCreativityAdvanced
Author’s ChairChair, list of questions20-25 minsDeep DiscussionAdvanced
Caption: A skill-level-sorted guide for enriching your book club meetings with interactive games

Wrapping Up

Lady reading on a couch researching literary games

We’ve found fun games for intellectual play and team building, like Emoji Summaries and Literary Pictionary. These games deepen discussions, build community, and celebrate sharing a good book. Try them at your next book club meeting or a casual get-together with bookish friends. Books are serious, but there’s always room for play.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking to expand your repertoire of book club games or need supplies to get started, these resources are worth exploring:

Online downloads

  • Ultimate Book Lover’s Game Pack: This pack includes instructions and rules for five exciting literary games. It’s a digital download PDF available from Reading Vintage—a one-stop shop for book club leaders looking to spice up their gatherings.

Additional Game Websites

  • BoardGameGeek: This website offers a variety of book-related board games and trivia sets. This is ideal for those who want to play their book club games offline.

  • Etsy: is a marketplace where you can find unique, handmade literary game sets and supplies.

  • Amazon is a convenient option for purchasing various game supplies, from whiteboards to trivia sets.

Apps for Book Lovers

  • Goodreads: While not a game per se, Goodreads offers quizzes and trivia on your favorite books and authors, adding a fun, interactive layer to your reading experience.

  • Sporcle Offers a variety of literary quizzes that can be adapted for book club use.

Exploring these additional resources can enhance the depth and variety of the gaming experience for your book club. These resources can help you find new and unusual games and game packs that are ready to play.

pamof reading vntage

Meet Pam of Reading Vintage, an ardent curator of quality vintage books. Join her journey from hunting hidden gems at estate sales and offering them to you at her online bookstore, Reading Vintage, to offering insightful resources on her blog, Vintage Book Lovers. Explore, learn, and reconnect with timeless literature.

“I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett, ‘The Secret Garden’

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